Big Crisis Data - Resources
Corpora of social media messages for crises/disasters research.
CrisisLex: several corpora of disaster-related social media messages.
CredBank: corpus for credibility research
HDX: Humanitarian Data eXchange, datasets of humanitarian variables by UN OCHA.
Software for natural language processing (NLP)
Programs and libraries for tokenization, part-of-speech tagging, entity extraction, entity linking, and other NLP operations.
In Java:
WEKA: open-source data mining software in Java.
MALLET: natural language processing and topic modeling.
ArkNLP: Twitter-specific natural language processing.
In Python:
NLTK: natural language toolkit.
Free maps:
OpenStreetMap: geographical information, useful for building gazeteers.
Software for crowdsourcing
Free/open systems
Integrated systems that are open and free.
Past and present related conferences and workshops:
SWDM'16: Social Web for Disaster Management
ISCRAM'16: Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management
SAFE'15: Workshop on Semantics and Analytics for Emergency Response
KDD-LESI'14: Workshop on Learning About Emergencies from Social Information.
Volunteer organizations
There are many digital volunteering organizations, this list contains a few examples:
Blogs and social media
Blogs and social media accounts of researchers and practitioners working in social innovation in general, and/or social media for disasters in particular.
Talks about big data for emergency/disaster management, and about social media data for research in general.