====== Big Crisis Data - Resources ====== ===== Datasets ===== Corpora of social media messages for crises/disasters research. * [[http://crisislex.org/|CrisisLex]]: several corpora of disaster-related social media messages. * [[https://compsocial.github.io/CREDBANK-data/|CredBank]]: corpus for credibility research * [[https://data.hdx.rwlabs.org/|HDX]]: Humanitarian Data eXchange, datasets of humanitarian variables by UN OCHA. * [[http://trec.nist.gov/data/tweets/|TREC Microblog Corpus]]: corpus of social media messages. * [[http://www.trec-ts.org/|TREC Temporal Summarization Track]]: corpus for social media update summarization. ===== Software for natural language processing (NLP) ===== Programs and libraries for tokenization, part-of-speech tagging, entity extraction, entity linking, and other NLP operations. In Java: * [[http://www.cs.waikato.ac.nz/ml/weka/|WEKA]]: open-source data mining software in Java. * [[http://mallet.cs.umass.edu/|MALLET]]: natural language processing and topic modeling. * [[https://opennlp.apache.org/|Apache OpenNLP]]: natural language processing. * [[https://gate.ac.uk/|GATE]]: text processing. * [[https://www.cs.cmu.edu/~ark/TweetNLP/|ArkNLP]]: Twitter-specific natural language processing. In Python: * [[http://www.nltk.org/|NLTK]]: natural language toolkit. Language-agnostic: * [[http://transliteration.eki.ee/|Transliteration]] of non-roman scripts. Online: * Free and commercial services to perform named entity linking: [[http://www.alchemyapi.com/|Alchemy]], [[http://www.opencalais.com/|OpenCalais]], [[http://developer.zemanta.com/|Zemanta]] ===== Software for geographical information systems ===== Geotagging: * [[http://www.geonames.org/|GeoNames]]: geo-tagging software. Free maps: * [[http://www.openstreetmap.org/|OpenStreetMap]]: geographical information, useful for building gazeteers. ===== Software for crowdsourcing ===== * [[http://pybossa.com/|PyBossa]] ===== Free/open systems ===== Integrated systems that are open and free. * [[http://sahanafoundation.org/products/|Sahana]] * [[http://ushahidi.com/|Ushahidi]] ===== Venues ===== Past and present related conferences and workshops: * [[https://sites.google.com/site/swdm2016/|SWDM'16]]: Social Web for Disaster Management * [[http://www.iscram2016.nce.ufrj.br/|ISCRAM'16]]: Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management * [[http://linkedscience.org/events/safe2015/|SAFE'15]]: Workshop on Semantics and Analytics for Emergency Response * [[https://sites.google.com/site/kddlesi2014/|KDD-LESI'14]]: Workshop on Learning About Emergencies from Social Information. * [[http://www.knoesis.org/hemant/symposium/aaai2015|AAAI Spring Symposium'15]]: Structured Data for Humanitarian Technologies. * [[http://www.humanitariantechnology.org/HumTech2016/|HUMTEC'16]]: Humanitarian Technologies ===== Volunteer organizations ===== There are many digital volunteering organizations, this list contains a few examples: * [[http://digitalhumanitarians.com/|Digital Humanitarian Network]] * [[http://www.standbytaskforce.org/|Stand-By Task Force]] * [[http://humanityroad.org/|Humanity Road]] * [[http://gwob.org/|Geeks Without Borders]] * [[https://hotosm.org/|Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT)]] * [[https://crisiscommons.org/|Crisis Commons]] * [[http://translatorswithoutborders.org/|Translators Without Borders]] * [[http://www.mapaction.org/|MapAction]] * [[http://www.giscorps.org/|GISCorps]] ===== Blogs and social media ===== Blogs and social media accounts of researchers and practitioners working in social innovation in general, and/or social media for disasters in particular. * [[http://blog.veritythink.com/|Andrej Verity]] - [[https://twitter.com/andrejverity|@AndrejVerity]] * [[https://irevolutions.org/|Patrick Meier]] - [[https://twitter.com/PatrickMeier|@PatrickMeier]] * [[http://textontechs.com/|Heather Leson]] - [[https://twitter.com/HeatherLeson|@HeatherLeson]] * [[https://twitter.com/bigcrisisdata|@BigCrisisData]] ===== Talks ===== Talks about big data for emergency/disaster management, and about social media data for research in general. * [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OdQRVY2tKcY|Frontiers in Crisis Informatics]] by Leysia Palen (2015) * [[http://tedxtalks.ted.com/video/TEDxKC-Patrick-Meier-Changing-T|Changing the World, One Map at a Time]] by Patrick Meier (2011) * [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JltwkXiBBTU|Big Data Gets Personal]] by Kate Crawford (2013) * [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=irP5RCdpilc|Algorithmic Issues of Big Data]] by Kate Crawford (2013) ===== Related books ===== * [[http://www.digital-humanitarians.com/|Digital Humanitarians: How Big Data is Changing the Face of Humanitarian Response]] by Patrick Meier (2015) * [[https://www.amazon.com/Social-Media-Disaster-Response-Participation/dp/0415817412|Social Media in Disaster Response: How Experience Architects Can Build for Participation]] by Liza Potts (2013) * [[https://www.crcpress.com/Disasters-20-The-Application-of-Social-Media-Systems-for-Modern-Emergency/Crowe/p/book/9781439874424|Disasters 2.0: The Application of Social Media Systems for Modern Emergency Management]] by Adam Crowe (2012) ===== Errata ===== * The Arabic example on page 39, it says "al3ab", should say "al7ob" (thanks to Sallam Abualhaija).